In December 2019, GER3 transitioned from Grand Bahama to Abaco to continue our School Recovery Project with UNICEF. After a thorough needs assessment, the Central Abaco Primary School (CAPS) was selected to be the primary focus of our work. It is the largest primary school in Marsh Harbour and has not yet reopened since Dorian struck over six months ago.
No public schools are currently open in Marsh Harbour, requiring students to travel distances to schools outside of the area. The quick and effective rehabilitation of CAPS is a top priority for Marsh Harbour and the surrounding Abaco communities. Reopening CAPS will allow displaced families to return to the area and restore their lives. CAPS is a critical piece of public infrastructure and its opening will serve as a major milestone and token of hope in the recovery and rebuilding process.
GER3 actively engaged in school assessments in order to plan and design a phased approach to the rehabilitation project at CAPS. Our team identified local contractors, supply chains and timeframes for the work to take place. Our team also worked closely with various Ministries in the Bahamas to ensure formal approval and buy-in from all relevant stakeholders.
With generous funding contributions from UNICEF, the Discovery Land Company Foundation, the Lyford Cay Foundations, One Bahamas Fund and other donor and partner agencies, GER3 is now leading phase one of this project. The full school restoration will continue throughout the year as phase two of the project. We have worked closely with partner organization, All Hands and Hearts, to ensure the school is restored in a sustainable, resilient and efficient manner, ensuring our philosophy of “building back better".
CAPS Rehabilitation Project Goals:
- To rehabilitate and rebuild Central Abaco Primary School (CAPS) following Hurricane Dorian to enable students, faculty and staff to return to school.
- To utilize sound project management, reconstruction & engineering expertise to ensure the highest standards in construction practices and materials.
- To integrate cash-for-work staff, local contractors & suppliers, where possible, to support and stimulate the local economy.
- To employ GER3’s philosophy of “building back better”, ensuring enhanced resiliency and sustainability in order to handover a safe, well-renovated school to the community.
Phase one progress is well underway and includes:
- Ongoing debris clearance and “muck-and-gut” of the school
- Removing and replacing damaged roofing, applying waterproof ice and water shield (plywood and/or damaged trusses)
- Mold remediation and sanitization
- Rebuilding and restoring windows
- Masonry repairs
- Interior repairs (painting, tiling, sheetrock, etc)
- Electrical and plumbing installation
In addition to our work at the school itself, UNICEF is supporting GER3 to rehabilitate several teachers’ homes near CAPS. This will allow these teachers to also return to Marsh Harbour for the opening of the school.
As GER3’s work in the Bahamas continues to expand, our team is growing with both national and international staff. We are extremely grateful for the opportunity to continue to support Bahamian schools and communities in response to hurricane Dorian and are looking forward to continuing our work there through the full recovery and reconstruction process.