Ukraine Geriatric Centers Supplies Deliveries

Special Delivery!

GER3's Ukraine team recently delivered over $20,000 of hygiene supplies to the Chernihiv and Krolevlets geriatric centers. The supplies (diapers and napkins) are equivalent to six months' worth for both centers.

This delivery expands GER3's presence in Ukraine's healthcare sector, as we are also in the process of supplying over $117,000 worth of equipment to Zakarpatska Oblast Clinical Hospital.

At GER3, we seek to aid the most vulnerable community members in each country we serve. The centers currently serve a combined 581 people, both disabled and elderly. Out of the 152 persons of Krolevets geriatric center, 59 are recent transfers due to their prior center being destroyed near the Russian border.

We thank the staff and patients of the geriatric centers for their warm welcome of our team into their communities. We look forward to continuing this partnership, as well as other new endeavors, in the coming months.